
帰全山公園 (Kizenzan Park)
概要 (Introduction)
Nestled in the embrace of the meandering Yoshino River, Kizenzan Park has received special recognition from the government of Kochi Prefecture for its abundant nature and the many cherry blossoms and rhododendron flowers that dot its landscape in springtime. Also known as “Shakunage Koen (Rhododendron Park),” the park’s signature flowers are in full bloom from mid-April to the beginning of May, attracting visitors due to their great beauty.
A statue of Nonaka Kenzan, a master scholar of Nangaku (a teaching derived from Daoism that was developed in Kochi) and a politician during Japan’s feudal era, stands at the park’s entrance welcoming visitors. There is also a statue of his mother, Madame Akita, in the park.
A camp site is located below the park facing the Yoshino River. It is open to everyone free of charge. An outdoor cooking site, BBQ grills and outdoor showers are available for use.
*Swimming in the Yoshino River is prohibited. Please obey the rules for your safety.
イベント (Events)
The annual Flower Festival is held from mid-April to the beginning of May, which is the best season to enjoy rhododendron flowers. Weather permitting, visitors can also enjoy other seasonal flowers during the festival as well as a variety of interesting events. Please check “Tourist Information” on the Motoyama-cho Home Page for details.
アウトドアヴィレッジもとやま (Outdoor Village Motoyama)
Outdoor Village Motoyama, located adjacent to the park, offers overnight accommodations and a restaurant serving dishes prepared with local ingredients as well as BBQ. The restaurant also sells a “BBQ Set” which can be cooked at the camp site, though visitors must provide their own charcoal, utensils and dishes. There is also a bathing facility. Please see the site below for more information.
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